Thursday, August 30, 2018

Heads up: I don't use Blogger anymore. You can find me on Tumblr at .

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

5/26 plans:
-Start work on 2nd town in EBLotDD
-Complete practice game, continue work on PPB
-Put Puyo Puyo Bejeweled (Working title) on hold, started work on a practice game
-Working on completing the first town in EBLotDD
-Got 100,000 points on Bejeweled 3 (DS)'s Poker mode
-Started work on Puyo Puyo/Bejeweled Fangame

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Possible Pikmin 4 map:

Dark Green area: Forest of Fun.
Mechanics: Pikmin Introduction, Basics.
Minerals: 16
Orange Area: Crooked Canyon
Mechanics: Weights and stronger enemies.
Minerals: 18
Light Green area: Simmering Sunfeild.
Mechanics: Grey Pikmin.
What Grey Pikmin Do: Dig holes in soft dirt to make shortcuts.
Minerals: 20
White area: White Waves.
Mechanics: Tripwires and Crimson Pikmin
What Crimson Pikmin Do: They have a bigger body, so they can activate the tripwires.
Minerals: 16
Black area: Corrupted Cave.
Mecanics: Final Boss!
Minerals: 1.
Hello everyone! Welcome to my tutorial on how to make a forced fight!

So, what you'll wanna do is make an event.

Now that you've made a event, you'll wanna do this.
Go to Page 3, Select "Battle Processing".

Select the enemy you want (For example, I'm using a slime.),
And leave "Can Escape" unchecked.

Ta-da! THAT is how you make a focred fight in RPG Maker.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Welcome to my blog! :3 It is a new blog that I have made. This is my first blog! This is a gaming blog! My NNID Is Player U.
[U as in Wii U]
I play AC:NL, Diablo 3, and Smash 4.